The International Air Cargo Association of Chicago (IACAC) is a non-profit organization that raises money throughout the year to award scholarships to worthy recipients for their continuing education.
We have now set the deadline for the application period for our 2024 scholarships. Applications are due by NOON CT on Friday, October 25, 2024. Winners will be notified in writing by Friday, November 15, 2024.
The scholarship funds are amassed this year from donations and support from our members and local affiliates alongside our yearly events including our golf event. Please consider visiting our donation page and helping the future thought leaders of the logistics industry with scholarship funds.
- Applicants must be enrolled in a two or four-year program with a GPA of 3.00 or higher.
- Graduate degrees or professional certificates are not covered by the scholarship.
- Applicants must be a family member of either an individual member or an employee of a corporate member whose membership is in good standing for 2024.
Questions can be directed to the Scholarship Committee Chair, by email at scholarship@iacac-dev.10web.cloud
- Download and complete the 2024 IACAC Scholarship Application at the link above.
- Applications are due no later than NOON on Friday, October 25, 2024.
- Provide your most recent transcript of grades. If you are a 202 high school graduate, please submit your most current report card and college acceptance letter.
- All four questions below must be completed in full. Partial applications will not be accepted:
Use the context of Academic Motivation, Interests, and Community Involvement (2 paragraphs max, 300 max words)
Question: Please tell us about your plans for your education and community involvement. We want to learn about your academic career and the extracurricular activities you are involved in.
Purpose: to understand who this person is and what their interests are both academically and in the community.
Use the context of Personal Growth, Resilience and Career aspirations (2-3 paragraphs, 200-500 words)
Question: Please explain your career goals and how you plan to accomplish them. This can be what you are currently doing or what your long-term aspirations are.
Purpose: To understand what you want to do and challenge you to think of how.
Use the context of Personal Values & Ethics (3 Paragraphs / 300-500 Words)
Question: What values or principles guide your decisions and actions? Provide an example of how these values have influenced a specific decision or action in your life.
Purpose: To assess the applicant’s personal values, ethical considerations, and how these principles are applied in real-life situations.
Supply Chain Question
(One Page / 500-1000 Words)
Question: Share a link to an article of your choice relating to issues in our supply chain. Provide a response on why and how this affects our society’s daily lives. Provide brief insight on how you think we can solve this problem.
Purpose: To get the applicant to think about the importance of supply chain and the importance of our industries and how it relates to you in daily civilian life.
Winners will be notified in writing no later than Friday, November 15, 2024